How can I compare proforma and final costs in CharterWorks (PDA/FDA)?
CharterWorks comes with an Operation Module where you can directly see the differences between the estimated and final costs and income at a glance. In addition, CharterWorks has an analysis module that allows to compare and drill down the different costs and incomes.
The operation module allows you to enter the FDAs (Final Disbursement Account) next to the PDAs (Proforma Disbursement Account). Also, the actual bunker costs are taken into account using the FIFO calculation. When chartering is calculating a voyage in CharterWorks, you enter the estimated bunker prices and port costs. After hand-over to operations, the bunker prices and port costs will be updated every day.
In the analyis module you can compare the different commercial outcomes of a voyage. Thanks to the built-in snapshot functionality, you keep track of the voyage’s history and you compare the original plan from chartering with the final result and TCE.